Why we LOVE duck eggs.


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TurkeyTail Farm now has duck eggs available for sale. 1/2 dozen @$5, Full dozen @$10.

As you can tell I favor ducks over chickens. I love them. There weird shaped bodies, there awkward wiggle as they running around and there loud Buddha laughs make me smile from sun up to sun down.  Here at TurkeyTail Farm we do not have chickens for laying eggs. We have chickens for meat and ducks for laying eggs.  I know this might sound strange but here are our reasons. Chickens are destructive. If you let them out to free range they will end up pecking and scratching not only the unwanted plants but also all your beloved starts and perennial babies. Ducks have webbed feet so they can’t scratch, they also love to eat bugs, small tree frogs and weeds. Chickens poop in there nesting boxes, which means you have to clean them. GROSS. I especially love ducks for not having to clean their nesting boxes. They also all use one nest for the whole flock. Chickens are aggressive and peck each other bloody to establish a pecking order. Ducks have a pecking order too but they are not quick as aggressive. They never break the skin, only sit atop another duck and pull on the back of there necks. It looks worse then it is. Lastly, duck eggs are bigger, more packed with protein and have more egg whites ( I am a huge egg white fan). photo 1(5)

What do the duck eggs taste like? I have not detected a difference in taste just in size. The duck egg is significantly larger then a regular chicken egg, which means you can eat one less chicken egg. They are the best for baking or making pasta. We also feed our ducks only the best local soy free organic egg laying food from Modeto Mills in Stockton, Ca.

Some facts about egg storage: place your eggs in the carton point down and the air bubble inside wont move out of place. Fresh eggs don’t need to be refrigerated. Fresh eggs UNWASHED will be good on your counter for at least a week. The eggs have a natural coating that keep them fresh until you wash it, then you must refrigerated them.

We hope that we have peaked your interest in duck eggs and will give them a try. We make deliveries to Chico, Paradise and Oroville, of Chicken, Lamb, Duck eggs and flowers. Just message us here or on Facebook.

Thank you!!!

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